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Updates to The Cozy Mystery Library

Writer: Astoria WrightAstoria Wright

We've added resources and we're looking for more! Let people know about your site, book, or other resources by contributing to the site. Readers, let us know what you'd like to see on the site.


The readers page contains over 50 books, and now the community links and writers' pages also contain 50 resources each and counting. We add a new crossword and word search each week to the games page, and mini-mysteries are coming soon. We also add a chapter each week to the Fireside Listening page.

The Cozy Mystery Library is looking for contributions from others in the cozy mystery community and welcome any cozy resource suggestions. The next milestone to reach is over hundred resources on each page! (It will build up to over a thousand, slowly but surely!)

What We're Looking For

The Cozy Mystery Library is aiming to be the first stop for cozy mystery readers and writers. For readers, you should never miss out on a cozy book, site, or event that might be perfect for you! For professionals, those resources should be your sites, your books, and your cozy mystery events. For writers, you should have all the tools you need to self-publish, traditionally publish, and/or market your books. That's why The Cozy Mystery Library is looking for input from everyone in the cozy mystery community.


If you're an author with a permafree book, submit it on the books page.

Resources for Readers

If you're a blogger, podcaster, booktuber, or a professional in the cozy mystery community submit a short (50 word or less) description and permission to use a screenshot of the homepage on our community links page.

Blog: Guest Posts

Want to tell people about your books or site, or have some cozy-mystery related information you want the cozy community to know? Whether your a writer, blogger, or even a reader who just has some thoughts to share, submit an article to our blog page. The Cozy Mystery Library doesn't pay for guest posts, but if your article is selected, you'll be credited as the writer and a link will be posted back to your site and/or social media.


Get exposure to listeners by featuring an audio sample or short story on our Fireplace page.

Mystery Puzzles

If you have a mini-mystery, you're welcome to submit it to The Cozy Mystery Library. If it's selected, it would be featured it on the games page and you would be credited as the author with a link back to your books/site.

Resources for Writers

If you're an editor, publisher, writing instructor, or any professional who works with cozy mystery authors, let them know about you by submitting your info on the contact form on our homepage. We'll add your info to our writers page.


If you have an event coming up this year, submit it to The Cozy Mystery Library and we'll add it to our calendar and feature it in a blog post.

Book Fair Participants

Professional registration for this upcoming April book fair ended March 5th, but reader registration is underway. Sign up today for Kisses, Crimes, and Cozies: A Cozy Romance Book Fair. If you're interested in a future book fair, sign up for more information on our book fairs page.

Other ideas?

If you have another idea of what to add to this site to make it better, let us know in the contact form on our homepage. We're always open to making this site everything the cozy mystery community wants it to be.

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