Writers, don't have an agent? No worries! You can still submit your stories on these sites. Readers, you can read stories for free on some of these sites, too!

Short Stories
Black Cat Mystery Magazine: https://bcmystery.com/Guidelines/
Story Length: 1k-8k, may look at 15k word stories, but only if exceptionally written
Submissions Open? Opens March 1st, 2021
What to Send: Send full story during submission period
Where to Send: submissionsZZZ@crimefictionwriter.com (Editor: Michael Bracken)
Genres: Accepts Cozy Mysteries for their upcoming edition: Black Cat Mystery Presents Cozies!
Payment/Contract type: 3 cents per word ($250 maximum)
*See Publisher Site for more Details: https://wildsidepress.com/submissions/
Readers: See Black Cat Mystery Magazine Editions Here. And Check out their Free Ebooks for their members.
Ellery Queen Magazine: https://www.elleryqueenmysterymagazine.com/contact-us/writers-guidelines/
StoryLength: 2,500 - 8k words is preferred, occasionally accepts 12k-20k novellas, minute-mysteries ~250 words
Submissions Open? Continuous - response times vary
What to Send: Your name, email, cover letter, story title and story as a .doc
Where to Send: http://eqmm.magazinesubmissions.com/
Genres: Anything in the mystery genre
Payment/Contract type: 5-8 cents per word
Readers: See Ellery Queen's current issues.
Mysterical-E: https://mystericale.com/submissions/
StoryLength: Anywhere from less than a 100 words (flash fiction) to 40k novels, series, and excerpts. If you're not sure your work applies, you're encouraged to send it in anyway
Submissions Open? Continuous - response times vary
What to Send: Your story as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf, there are specific formatting instructions
Where to Send: mystericalmail@gmail.com
Genres: Anything in the mystery genre
Payment/Contract type: Not a paying market
Readers: See Mysterical-E's FREE issues.
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine: https://sherlockholmesmystery.tumblr.com
Story Length: 3k-7k
Submissions Open? Possibly
What to Send: Send full story, byline, address (mailing and email), .doc, .docx, .rtf, .wpd
Where to Send: marvinnathankaye@yahoo.com
Genres: Reader-solvable mysteries, crime stories, conte cruelles, old-fashioned ghost stories, and non-fiction
Payment/Contract type: 3 cents per word
*See Publisher Site for more Details: https://wildsidepress.com/submissions/
Readers: See Sherlock Holmes Magazine Issues Here.
Cozy Cat Press: https://www.cozycatpress.com/submissions
Manuscript Length: 50-70k words
Submissions Open? Not since Jan. 1st 2021, but check back to see when they open submissions again
What to Send: Manuscripts as an attachment & a formal query letter as Microsoft Word doc.
Where to Send: cozycatpress@gmail.com
Genres: Accepts Cozy Mysteries and Magical Realism
*May accept cancelled cozy series authors wish to bring back.
Payment/Contract type: Proceeds split
*Read more details on the publisher's website
Readers: See Cozy Cat Press's books here.
Lyrical Press: https://www.kensingtonbooks.com/pages/lyricalsubmissions/
Manuscript Length: Novellas, Serials, Full-Length Novels are all welcome
Submissions Open? Actively Looking
What to Send: Query via email with synopsis attached
Where to Send: Send to specific editors listed on site
Genres: Women's Fiction, Romance, Psychological Suspense, Thrillers, New Adult, Cozies
Payment/Contract type: Not specified
*Read more details on the publisher's website: https://www.kensingtonbooks.com
Readers: See Kensington's Books Here.
TCK Publishing: https://www.tckpublishing.com/publishing/mystery-publishing/
Manuscript Length: 40k words minimum
Submissions Open? Currently open for 2021
What to Send: Send your name and a synopsis of your work, they'll contact you with instructions on how to submit your manuscript, but they do have a submissions template you might want to check out beforehand
Where to Send: submissions@TCKPublishing.com
Genres: Accepts a wide range of genres including mysteries, also run a poetry contest
Payment/Contract type: 50% royalties
*Read more details on the publisher's website
Readers: See TCK Publishing's Books Here.
Whiskered Mysteries: https://whiskeredmysteries.com/submissions/
Manuscript Length: 40-50k
Submissions Open? Currently looking for contemporary and paranormal cozy mysteries
What to Send: One-page query letter and sample chapter
Where to Send: submissions@whiskeredmysteries.com
Genres: Accepts Cozy Mysteries and Magical Realism
Payment/Contract type: Two contract types offered:
50/50 split: Author responsible for editing and retains audio/translations rights, publisher gets ebook and print rights for 5 years
35% author royalty: Publisher secures editing, is granted audio, ebook, and print rights for 5 years. Author retains translation rights.
*Read more details on the publisher's website
Readers: See Whiskered Mysteries Books here.
Have a publishing company or magazine site to add to the list? Let us know!
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