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*Restrictions Apply: See Below
Digital prizes require recipient email and will be emailed to winners. Physical prizes require recipients' physical address and must be within the United States. All giveaways are void where prohibited. Entrants must be 18 years or older. No purchase necessary to win.
General Info:
How to Enter: Choose one of the options offered on Rafflecopter (visiting or following a social media account or answering a question). No cost to enter giveaways.
What You'll Win: See the details for each giveaway below.
Timeline: All Giveaways begin July 18th, 2021 at 12 pm and end on July 19th, 2021 at 12 pm AZ time, USA.
Restrictions: Must be 18 or older to enter. Most of the giveaways are open to: US, UK, Australia (except New South Wales). Void where prohibited by law. Giveaways of a physical prize sent via mail are open only to those in the USA.
Winners' names will be published on this page and announced via email to those who registered for the fair.
*Giveaways are further subject to the specific Terms and Conditions listed on Rafflecopter. See each individual giveaway's terms and conditions for full information.
The Cozy Mystery Library, PO Box 11013, Chandler, AZ, 85248
Dianne Ascroft
Author Diane Ascroft is giving away one print copy of A Timeless Celebration. Giveaway begins July 18th, 2021 at 12pm and ends July 19th at 12pm. Only open to those in the USA. Void where prohibited by law.
Penni Askew
Editor Penni Askew is giving away one Ten Thousand Word Cozy Edit including a style sheet. Giveaway begins July 18th, 2021 at 12pm and ends July 19th at 12pm. Void where prohibited by law.
Richelle Braswell
Heather Day Gilbert
Editor Richelle Braswell will be giving away one free 3k word edit and one 10% discount on an editing service. The winner of the discount may choose 1 of any of the following services: manuscript critique, developmental edit, line edit, copyedit, or proofread. Winners must redeem the editing services within 60 days. You must be 18 or older to enter. No purchase necessary to win. Void where prohibited by law.
Author Heather Day Gilbert will be giving away one $25 Amazon Gift Card via email. Giveaway begins July 18th, 2021 at 12pm and ends July 19th at 12pm. Void where prohibited by law.
Angela Maria Hart
Angela Maria Hart of The Cozy Mystery Book Club,, will be giving away a gift basket of various cozy book club swag to one lucky winner. Giveaway begins July 18th at 12pm and ends July 19 at 12pm. Only open to those in the USA. Must be following @cozymysteryclub on Twitter or Instagram to enter. Void where prohibited by law.
Candace Havens
Author Candace Havens will be giving away one digital 5 book set of the Ainsley McGregor Series to one lucky winner and one $25 gift card to another winner. Void where prohibited. Giveaway begins July 18th at 12pm and ends July 19th at 12pm.
Gayle Leeson
Author Gayle Leeson will be giving away 3 digital copies of the first book in her Down South Cafe Mysteries: Calamity Cafe. Void where prohibited. Giveaway begins July 18th at 12pm and ends July 19th at 12pm.
Crystal Watanabe
Editor Crystal Watanabe will be giving away a $25 credit on any proofreading or editing project. Void where prohibited. Giveaway begins July 18th at 12pm and ends July 19th at 12pm.
Kim Watt
Author Kim Watt will be giving away 6 box sets of Beaufort Scales. Void where prohibited. Giveaway begins July 18th at 12pm and ends July 19th at 12pm.
Also from Kim Watt: